Rural nonfarm activities and poverty in the Brazilian Northeast

Published by: Elsevier

Authored by: Ferreira, Francisco H G; Lanjouw, Peter

Publication Date: January 1, 2001

Ð This paper combines two complementary data sets to present a disaggregated spatial pro®le of poverty in the Brazilian Northeast, and to investigate the importance of nonagricultural activities for its rural dwellers. We present both univariate and multivariate pro®les of nonagricultural employment and discuss its determinants. While the main occupational di€erence between the rural poor and the rural nonpoor in Brazil seems to be the greater reliance of the former on paid agricultural employment (vis-a-vis own cultivation), rather than access to nonagricultural activities, the evidence nevertheless suggests that diversi®cation into this growing sector provides both an important complement to the budgets of the poor, and possibly a self-insurance mechanism against negative shocks. Despite the substantial heterogeneity of the sector, two general ®ndings are robust: returns to education are comparatively high; and location in relation to urban areas is an important determinant of both employment and earnings in rural nonagricultural activities. Ó

Research Detail
Rural nonfarm activities and poverty in the Brazilian Northeast
Published by: Elsevier
Authored by: Ferreira, Francisco H G; Lanjouw, Peter
Journal Name: World Development
Publication Date: Jan 1st, 2001