Productive restructuring and 'standardization' in Mexican horticulture: Consequences for labour

Published by: Blackwell Publishing

Authored by: De Grammont, Hubert; Lara Flores, Sara

Publication Date: January 1, 2010

In this paper we discuss how the establishment of strict quality and food safety norms for horticulture to satisfy the current consumer demands has forced enterprises to invest in modifying their productive processes. In the light of the unavoidable trend in favour of consumers, we analyze the precarious situation of farm workers, a situation that is not in tune with the concept of decent work promoted by the International Labour Organization or with the Social Accountability Standard promoted by the United Nations.We conclude that the enterprises have achieved major progress in productive restructuring to comply with quality standards, but at the expense of their workers' salaries and living and working conditions. This contradiction between the well-being of the consumer and the misery of the worker is a fundamental characteristic explaining the current success of globalized agro-food systems._ JOAC 228..250

Research Detail
Productive restructuring and 'standardization' in Mexican horticulture: Consequences for labour
Published by: Blackwell Publishing
Authored by: De Grammont, Hubert; Lara Flores, Sara
Journal Name: Journal of Agrarian Change
Publication Date: Jan 1st, 2010