This presentation is prepared as part of the Rethinking Food Market Initiative: Science, Innovation and Policy Symposium held on 10 - 11 December 2024, in Washington DC. The event gathered researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners to reflect on four years of pioneering research aimed at transforming agri-food value chains to enhance inclusivity, sustainability, and efficiency.
Day 2 presentations include:
- Welcoming remarks by Rob Vos
- Plenary Session D: Policy Seminar Conventional wisdoms about food system innovations and policies: myths and realities moderated by Christine Chege
As part of the session one presentations were delivered:
- Conventional wisdoms (myths) versus realities about food systems: implications for re-alignment of policies by Thomas Reardon
- Conventional wisdoms (myths) versus realities about food systems: implications for re-alignment of policies by Thomas Reardon
- Plenary Session E: What do we know about the degree of inclusiveness and employment generation potential of agrifood value chains? moderated by Ruth Hill
As part of this session 3 presentations were delivered:
- Agrifood systems innovations and employment creation by Carolina Trivelli
- How Agri-food Value Chain Employment and Compensation Evolve with Structural Transformation by Jeff Bloem and Jasmine Jiang (separately available here)
- Measuring Employment and Job Quality in Agrifood Systems: A Comprehensive Approach by Erwin Corong, Madhur Gautam, Will Martin, and Rob Vos
- Agrifood systems innovations and employment creation by Carolina Trivelli
- Plenary Session F: Feasibility of scaled agrifood value chain innovations, trade-offs and policy reform scenarios – model-based scenario analyses for Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Honduras, Nigeria and Uganda moderated by Rob Vos
As part of this session one presentation was delivered:
- Scaling agrifood value chain innovations: Model-based scenario analyses for Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Honduras, Nigeria and Uganda by Karl Pauw, Valeria Piñeiro and Luis Escalante
- Scaling agrifood value chain innovations: Model-based scenario analyses for Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Honduras, Nigeria and Uganda by Karl Pauw, Valeria Piñeiro and Luis Escalante
- Introducing KISM & its features and outline on the guideline documents by Naomi Black
- Plenary Session G: From pilot to scaling. How to determine scaling preparedness and scaling feasibility? Experience from Ethiopia, Honduras, Nigeria and Uganda by Rajalakshmi Nirmal
As part of this session one presentation was delivered:
- Moving beyond the piloting with scaling preparedness and feasibility: Experience from Ethiopia, Honduras, Nigeria, and Uganda by Minh Thai
Research Detail
SIP Symposium: Day 2 presentations
Published by: CGIAR
Authored by: CGIAR
Publication Date: Dec 11th, 2024