Small farmers, big business: contract farming and rural development

Published by: Springer Nature

Authored by: Glover, D.; Kusterer, K.

Publication Date: January 1, 1990

This book deals with an agricultural production and marketing system known as contract farming (CF). In this system, a public or private agency purchases the crops of independent farmers through contracts, often providing inputs, technical assistance and marketing. CF has a long history in developed countries and has spread to the Third World. The book uses case studies from North America, Latin America and Africa to assess the experience to date and provide guidelines for the use of CF in the future.

Research Detail
Small farmers, big business: contract farming and rural development
Published by: Springer Nature
Authored by: Glover, D.; Kusterer, K.
Journal Name: Contract Farming and Rural Development
Publication Date: Jan 1st, 1990