Driving decent work: How effective are supply chain approaches? A systematic review of evidence in agriculture and apparel

Published by: ISEAL, Rainforest Alliance, IDH

Authored by: Skalidou, D.; Oya, C.

Publication Date: June 1, 2024

ISEAL, IDH, Rainforest Alliance, and Evidensia commissioned an independent systematic review to identify effective supply chain sustainability approaches for improving decent work in agriculture and apparel production in Low- and Middle-income Countries. The review focused on understanding the contextual, adoption, and implementation dynamics of these interventions. It examined literature providing counterfactual evidence on the effects of these approaches on decent work outcomes for waged employees in diverse contexts, such as smallholder farms, large agribusinesses, and textile companies. The evidence encompasses various employer types with different business imperatives and capabilities. Additionally, the review included qualitative evidence to offer deeper insights into the adoption and implementation of these sustainability approaches.

Research Detail
Driving decent work: How effective are supply chain approaches? A systematic review of evidence in agriculture and apparel
Published by: ISEAL, Rainforest Alliance, IDH
Authored by: Skalidou, D.; Oya, C.
Publication Date: Jun 1st, 2024