Gendered global production networks: Analysis of cocoa–chocolate sourcing

Published by: Routledge

Authored by: Barrientos, Stephanie

Publication Date: January 1, 2014

Gendered global production networks: analysis of cocoa–chocolate sourcing, Regional Studies. Gendered global production network analysis builds on global value chain and feminist political economy. It explores the interaction between com- mercial value chains and societal norms in which gendered patterns ofconsumption and production are embedded across diverse societies. The cocoa–chocolate value chain is examined linking Europe and cocoa-growing regions in Ghana and India. Women consumers ascribe to ‘quality’ chocolate, yet women’s contribution to quality cocoa production is poorly remunerated, enhancing value capture by chocolate companies. Contested gendered power asymmetries and societal ‘re-embedding’ could potentially con- tribute to economic and social upgrading of women farmers and workers, enhancing future quality cocoa sourcing.

Research Detail
Gendered global production networks: Analysis of cocoa–chocolate sourcing
Published by: Routledge
Authored by: Barrientos, Stephanie
Journal Name: Regional Studies
Publication Date: Jan 1st, 2014