Fast and furious: the rise of environmental impact reporting in food systems

Published by:  Oxford University Press

Authored by: Deconinck, K.| Jansen, M.|Barisone, C.

Publication Date: September 1, 2023

Powerful long-term drivers are increasing both the demand and supply of quantified environmental impact information in food systems. The trend is fast (with many initiatives underway) and furious (presenting a confusing landscape) but has so far received little attention from economists. Better information can inform public and private efforts to reduce environmental pressures. However, the use of different methodologies and reporting requirements could lead to a fragmented landscape. Moreover, there is a risk that poor producers will be disproportionately affected. We discuss the trend, its drivers, impacts and potential pitfalls, as well as the many open research and policy questions.

Research Detail
Fast and furious: the rise of environmental impact reporting in food systems
Published by:  Oxford University Press
Authored by: Deconinck, K.| Jansen, M.|Barisone, C.
Journal Name: European Review of Agricultural Economics
Publication Date: Sep 1st, 2023