Traceability and transparency in supply chains for agricultural and forest commodities

Published by: Evidensia

Authored by: Fripp, E.| Gorman, J.| Schneider, T.| Smith, S.| Paul, J.| Neeff, T. Marietti, F.| Vary, L.| Zosel-Harper, A.

Publication Date: October 1, 2023

Without halting forest loss, the global community will not be able to meet climate targets. While the overall rate of tree cover loss has declined since its peak in 2016, primary forest is still being lost at an alarming rate. Close to 90 percent of forest loss is associated with the expansion of agriculture. Traceability and transparency in supply chains for these products are therefore necessary to understand the impact of commodities on forests, and to support the design, implementation, monitoring of effective solutions to address forest loss, and help make agricultural production and food systems more sustainable. This report discusses success factors and enabling conditions to improve resource use and reduce forest loss, and provides an updated evidence base to inform and advance collaborative discussions and actions on traceability and transparency.

Research Detail
Traceability and transparency in supply chains for agricultural and forest commodities
Published by: Evidensia
Authored by: Fripp, E.| Gorman, J.| Schneider, T.| Smith, S.| Paul, J.| Neeff, T. Marietti, F.| Vary, L.| Zosel-Harper, A.
Publication Date: Oct 1st, 2023