Participatory workshop for co-designing innovations and interventions: Towards inclusive growth, employment, and income opportunities in the coffee value chain of Honduras

Between November 2022 and January 2023, the WP1 team in Honduras strategically consulted stakeholders of the coffee supply chain to obtain an overview and insights into bottlenecks and innovations at market linkages of the export coffee supply chain in Honduras. Simultaneously, a literature review on respective bottlenecks and innovations was conducted. The workshop engaged participants through plenary discussions, short online surveys that were accessible via QR-codes and through small-group discussions where participants self-selected based on interest. While the first part of the workshop served to achieve a shared understanding on issues and potential innovation areas in the coffee value chain, the ensuing working groups in the afternoon actively engaged participants in (1) the identification of innovations, (2) the prioritization of these, (3) bundling the most promising innovation, (4) capturing the associated theory of change and (5) tentatively suggesting associated research and scaling activities. Lastly, the group was asked to report back their results to the plenum.