The initiative Rethinking Food Markets - CGIAR team organized a one-day stakeholders’ workshop for WP1 global coffee value chain in Honduras on February 2nd, 2023, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. In Central America, the Initiative is led by the Alliance of Biodiversity International & CIAT (ABC), it focuses on two work packages: WP1 focuses on increasing participation and profitability of smallholders and agrifood SMEs in the global coffee value chain, and WP2 on innovations for inclusive and sustainable growth of domestic maize and bean value chains.
The workshop's main purpose was to bring together key stakeholders and potential partners to co-design innovations and interventions to implement the research study, to create a more equitable distribution of income and employment opportunities in growing food markets. The main specific objectives of the workshop included: (1) to share the scoping study findings with stakeholders and validate these findings; (2) to co-design innovations/interventions bundles with stakeholders; (3) to co-select and co-design core innovations for prioritized innovation areas to enhance impacts; and (4) to jointly identify potential activities for the years 2023-2024.