Stakeholder Workshop: Research progress in the beans and maize value chains of Honduras and future research opportunities

Common beans and maize are an important part of the diet of Hondurans and are the two main staple grains consumed in the country. A team from the Rethinking Food Markets Initiative hosted a half-day workshop with stakeholders in Tegucigalpa on November 29, 2023, to present research progress on two components: the production and marketing component, and the food processing industry component.
The workshop "Advances in the research of innovations for inclusive growth and sustainability in the value chain of basic grains in Honduras" had five objectives: (1) share progress on a scoping study implemented in corn and beans, focused on the food processing industry; (2) share progress on the pilot study being implemented on beans, together with two producer associations; (3) present preliminary results of the baseline survey of bean producers; (4) share the local partners' experience in the implementation of the pilot study; and (5) co-design and prioritize innovations for the food industry, co-design scaling strategies for the innovations being studied in the pilot, and prioritize future research.