Agri-food value chains represent an important element of food systems and economies around the world. For example, intermediary agri-food value chain actors -those operating enterprises that transport and transform food from the farmgate to retailers- account for a substantial share, often between 60 and 75 percent, of value-added produced by the entire agricultural sector of an economy (Reardon, 2015; Yi et al., Barret, et al., 2022). In Uganda, agri-food value chains are increasingly at the forefront of policy discussions about job creation and economic growth.
This note summarizes key insights from an innovative survey of intermediary actors in two agri-food value chains in Uganda.
Research Detail
Financial Access and Digital Services within Agri-Food Value Chains in Uganda
Published by: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Authored by: Adong, A. | Ambler, K. | Bloem, J. | de Brauw, A. | Wagner, J.
Publication Date: Oct 1st, 2023