Moving the Middle: Oxfam’s Behind the Brands assessment of the global agribusiness sector

Published by: Oxfam

Authored by: Matt Hamilton

Publication Date: March 31, 2023

Oxfam’s agribusiness scorecard is a benchmarking tool that measures global agribusinesses’ policies and implementation plans on five issue areas: women’s economic empowerment, land, climate change, small-scale producers, and transparency and accountability. 

The scorecard was used to measure seven selected agribusinesses and compare their awareness, action and advocacy by looking at their policies, implementation plans and public statements. This report discusses the findings, comparing results from 2018, 2020 and 2022. It examines where some of the largest and most important global agribusinesses stand. Within each issue area, the report highlights notable policy developments and current issues, and lists recommendations for these global agribusinesses, downstream companies and investors.

Research Detail
Moving the Middle: Oxfam’s Behind the Brands assessment of the global agribusiness sector
Published by: Oxfam
Authored by: Matt Hamilton
Publication Date: Mar 31st, 2023