Asymmetric Information and Middleman Margins: An Experiment with Indian Potato Farmers

Published by: Harvard Kennedy School

Authored by: Mitra, Sandip; Mookherjee, Dilip; Torero, Maximo; Mitra,S.; Mookherjee, D.; Torero, M.; Visaria, S.

Publication Date: January 1, 2018

West Bengal potato farmers cannot directly access wholesale markets and do not knowwholesale prices. Local middlemen earn large margins; pass-through from wholesale to farmgate prices is negligible. When we informed farmers in randomly chosen villages about wholesale prices, average farmgate sales and prices were unaffected, but pass-through to farmgate prices increased. These results can be explained by a model where farmers bargain ex post with village middlemen, with the outside option of selling to middlemen outside the village. They are inconsistent with standard oligopolistic models of pass-through, search frictions, or risk-sharing contracts.

Research Detail
Asymmetric Information and Middleman Margins: An Experiment with Indian Potato Farmers
Published by: Harvard Kennedy School
Authored by: Mitra, Sandip; Mookherjee, Dilip; Torero, Maximo; Mitra,S.; Mookherjee, D.; Torero, M.; Visaria, S.
Journal Name:  The Review of Economics and Statistics
Publication Date: Jan 1st, 2018